Sunday, July 3, 2011

Bischoff The One Hit Wonder

For the last 20 years in wrestling, one name has been synonymous with both awesome wrestling programming, and terrible garbage, no one wants to watch.....

One name has been at the top of the wrestling world, and the very, very bottom...

He is credited with the advent of the nWo, but yet also has a hand in the steaming pile that is TNA....

He has said that controversy creates cash, well to that I say, so does not putting garbage on TV on a weekly basis.

Eric Bischoff....

Eric Bischoff in the 90's had a very successful wrestling program, with the creation of WCW Monday Nitro, a cable wrestling program, that aired in prime time on Monday nights, an idea he stole.

He had some of the most athletic wrestling matches seen on TV at that time, using wrestlers who first appeared on the main stage in ECW. Showcasing athletic wrestlers, an idea he stole.

Bischoff created his nWo with former WWE superstars, usually performing as the same characters they had in the WWE.

I will say it here, Eric Bischoff is a moron. However, he is smart, smart enough to steal great concepts from other promoters, and to know which ones to use, and which ones, not to use.

He may be a great salesman, and a smooth talker, but when it comes to wrestling, he is not all that bright.

One main problem that bothers me about Eric Bischoff, is the fact that it seems as though he doesn't understand the concept of a heel. From what i've seen, and from a common sense point of a view, a heel's job is to be hated enough to where people want to pay to see you get your ass kicked, JR will agree with this.

That being said, the heel should at some point, usually at the end of an angle, get his ass kicked, to provide closure to the angle. Bischoff's problem is, that in almost every angle, without fail, over the course of his involvement in anything, the heel always comes out the best. When the bad guy always wins, no one cares....

Another thing is, it seems as though right now Hogan is supposed to be a heel, yet all he does is try to get the fans to cheer him? Then they have this heel stable known as immortal, with Gunner, who acts like a face against Anderson? WHAAAT... I understand that Bischoff is not a writer, but he is involved with this, and if he were the genius everyone claims him to be, I would like to think that he would not let this happen...

IT MAKES NO SENSE... But then again, neither does TNA.

Another thing that makes me question him, is the fact that TNA was built on the smart mark audience. The people that were fed up at the time and looking for an alternative. The ex ECW fans, the ROH fans, and fans of indy wrestling, which is where they created their original talent pool from, TNA was built on this audience, and Bischoff comes out publicly, bashing the very audience that TNA was founded on? HUH?

They create this wrestling matters campaign, and change their name, the name may have changed, but the product sure hasn't.

When an episode of TNA begins with Bischoff coming out with the rest of this group of has beens, or never were's,  to a rip off version of the nWo song, it sets the tone for the rest of the show, that it will be garbage.

Bischoff, you were able to sell yourself, and you are a great salesmen, but so is Don West, and he is not the executive producer of anything. Maybe the worst part of the closinf of the AWA, is that you were unleashed on the wrestling world.

Don't get me wrong, the Monday Night Wars, and the run of WCW would not have been possible without you, but enough is enough, produce your shows with Kevin Arnold's brother, and leave the wrestling to the people who give more of a damn about the show, and entertaining people; be it with good matches, or good angles; then getting Hogan over....

Thank You for WCW, and the Monday night wars, but I think it's time to admit that you are a one hit wonder, and no matter how many times you try to re-create the nWo, it will not work....

-Mark X

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