Thursday, September 1, 2011

Finallly The Mark...Has Come Back

Somewhat eerie is the fact that I have not written a blog since the morning of Money In The Bank. For those of you who follow me on Twitter, you know that I have kept an eye on the product, but for those of you who do not; First of all, get on that; and second of all, you should know that yes I have been keeping up with what is going on.

To be honest, I am not sure why I have not written a blog in some time, is it because I have been working Full Time? Is it because as of last week, I am back in College?

The truth is I really don't know, it could be a combination of those things. Or, it just might be, the fact that nothing I have been seeing has compelled me to write.

Where they were going with CM Punk having the Championship, and going around to different media outlets and continuing with his character, had a lot of potential. But the night they crowned a new champion, did not even mention CM Punk, it lost most of its steam.

They made the championship seem completely worthless by not only not mentioning the current champion, but having someone win the Championship; Rey Mysterio, and then having that person lose to John Cenam that very same night, then in that same night having CM Punk return prematurely.

While I marked out like crazy, just like everyone else when I heard "Cult of Personality" hit the speakers, I still knew that this angle would be not as cool as everyone had hoped it would be. However, the image of CM Punk holding the real WWE Championship, just a little bit higher than John Cena's fake WWE Championship, was quite memorable.

The CM Punk angle definitely began to lose steam with his first encounter with new "COO" Triple H. Triple H's character seems like WWE's version of Hulk Hogan's character in TNA, which by the way, does not work...

The character of the old veteran, who is now in power, that lets his cronies run wild, and also whether he be heel, or he be face; attempts to get himself over with every word that he speaks.

To make matters worse they have CM Punk up against John Cena to crown the "rightful" champion. They then speak of how Cena has a rightful claim to the championship, and put him over, and put him over, and over and over. They try to say he has more of a claim then Punk. Punk who won it in a PPV main event, Cena who won it after defeating someone half his size, after that person had already wrestled in the same night....

Then, for absoltuely no reason, Triple H decided to make himself the guest referee, a match that needed no other stipulation than champion vs. champion. Triple H being the ref, cleans to a un-clean finish, which leads to….. Wait for it....TNA's own Kevin "Big Spotlight" Nash.

Nash, straight out of the 1990's delivers, you guessed it, a Jack Knife Power bomb to Punk, and Del Rio cashes in his MITB, by simply pinning CM Punk. Virtually taking all the worth the WWE Championship had left, and shitting all over it..

The following night on Raw, Nash comes to the ring, and explains that he received a text from Triple H telling him to do it, and Triple H denies it, which takes the focus off of Punk, but onto the relationship between Triple H and Nash, two people who were not on TV, before Money In The Bank.

Now the mystery is, who texted Nash? Was it Maggie Simpson? Will we have to wait until the beginning of next season to find out? Where will all the clues lead us? Do we need Scooby and The Gang, to help figure this out?

So, Nash and Punk get into it, and begin a feud, with Triple H always in the middle. CM Punk loses a number one contender's match for the right to face Del Rio, because of Nash, and a match is set for Night Of Champions; CM Punk vs. Kevin Nash, and that match is then un-set...

Now Triple H will take on CM Punk, and honestly I don't care. I love CM Punk, his promos, and whatever else he does is usually the best part of Raw. Triple H, doing the Hogan character just bothers me, to a point where I really don't care. Triple H, should just be made into a straight Heel. If he was, I would care more, because if Triple H wins against CM Punk, even if it has an un-clean finish, it will bury CM Punk to me.

The only good thing that could possibly come out of this, is a reformation of the nWo, one I feel would be somewhat fresh. The corporate nWo against the likes of Punk, Cena, Orton and others, would be somewhat entertaining, a lot more entertaining than Triple H running around trying to be a face....

Maybe even a return of the Nexus, and a Nexus/nWo feud, that would be interesting...

Right now, I am barely being entertained by World Wrestling ENTERTAINMENT; I will continue to watch to see if this angle has a direction, hopefully it does.

-Mark X

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