Monday, October 17, 2011

The Problem With TNA (Part 1)

I will be writing an on-going blog on the problem with TNA as I see it. 

Here is part 1, of a however many part it takes me, series.

Last night, I got home from work, after working a fourteen hour shift, and as I sat down, I took a look at the results for TNA’s version of Wrestlemania, known as Bound For Glory. 
Headlining the show, was a match between a LEGEND, who has already proven himself to be one of the best in the world, as long as he is not drinking, or being “hacked” on his Twitter account.; and a TNA original, that went threw what I would like to refer to as a bat-shit crazy, point based tournament type of thing, known as the Bound For Glory series.
Any kind of self respecting, wrestling organization, that subjected its fans threw said, crazy ass tournament, would likely have the winner of the tournament; which was for the right to compete for the World Championship, sorry TNA Championship; win the championship, in the big payoff match.
TNA, however, it not any kind of self respecting wrestling organization. As I read the results, and subsequently thought to myself how lucky I was, that I hadn’t wasted any money, on the damn thing, I could not believe TNA had done it again. More than that though, I could not believe I was surprised about it.
I did not have to watch the PPV to realize that it was garbage, for one thing ROODE DID NOT GO OVER!
Think about this, TNA spent months, wasting time on this damn thing. Someone actually spent time, coming up with an explanation for this damn thing, and TNA somehow actually stuck to it, and kept continuity in this "tournament".  All of this valuable TV time, and in some cases PPV time, were wasted just so Angle could beat Roode, WITH HIS FOOT ON THE ROPES!
I mean come on.  Even if they wanted Angle to go over, the match should NOT have ended with that kind of a finish.
I understand, I am in the 10% that Bischoff, and TNA, and Country Carter, don’t care about, but I can basically guarantee them, that if they were to cater to the “10%” they would not lose the other 90% because good wrestling is synonymous with good TV.
I understand that I sound like some kind of whiney smark right now, but TNA is the alternative. Whether we like it or not, it’s the other show on TV.
I’ve been watching TNA since the weekly PPV days. I started watching TNA for that same reason, because they were the alternative. TNA in its early days; it’s days before the crusty veterans decided that while they were retiring in Florida, they might as well get a retirement job, for the local promotion; was carried on the backs of the X Division.  TNA took from the late WCW the few still entertaining ideas that were left.
Somewhere along the way, TNA lost its way. In came Hall and Nash, in came Booker T, in came Flair and worst of all, in came Hogan.....
To be continued......

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