Sunday, July 3, 2011

Weekend Update w/ Mark X

In what has been somewhat of a slow news weekend, this is the Secret Mark, Weekend Update...

This weekend, the CM Punk angle was continued during the live tour in Australia.

At the beginning of the show Michael Cole's favorite ring announcer, Tony Chimel, announced that CM Punk was suspended, but had agreed to fulfill his live event commitments. Which is the same thing WWE ran on their website, probably because fans in Australia would think he wouldn't be there, and they know he is the only one anyone wants to see. Punk then cut a promo dissing the McMahon family,before his mic was cut off, before jobbing to Rey Mysterio.... 

I would love to see this sort of thing continue on TV. Or at least have some sort of fan cam angle to document CM Punk's live event stuff.

Also this weekend Zack Ryder was introduced as the Internet Champion, and even defended it against Primo. He had with him the belt from Z! True Long Island Story.

If they made this a real belt, or at least real in the sense that the FTW belt was real, it would be awesome. If that's all creative will give Zack Ryder, I'll take it, and you know he will run with it.

Butterfly and gumdrop enthusiast Christina from Tough Enough, has re-signed with WWE, she is currently performing in FCW, under the name Caylee Turner. In other news FCW wishes it was OVW.

In news from the dump, Ric Flair and TNA are having some sort of issue with him not appearing at the Brooklyn show, but appearing in the Asbury show. Issues that I'm sure no one cares about, because Flair is washed up, and TNA sucks.

From the, I really, really, want attention department; an independent wrestler, apparently proposed to Octo Mom at a celebrity boxing event; wait, she's a celebrity? wait she's boxing? 

Apparently, upon being dragged away he begged her to marry him, telling her that he was a Paul Heyman guy. Does that work?

More vague news came out about the Heyman, Lesnar, WWE deal. Vague enough to keep everyone guessing...

Finally, Sin Cara received his first loss Friday night, against Christian, will this be the end of his mood lighting during matches? Hopefully, and maybe when the lights are normal, he'll stop botching so much. Or he will just keep botching, because he is Botcho The Magnificent.

This has been Weekend Update...

-Mark X

1 comment:

  1. I almost forgot, one of the most important bits of news for this weekend, new Z! True Long Island Story
